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It trumped The Bridge in bleakness since, as you will know if you have spent the 20 minutes on the Eurostar between Folkestone and Calais, it is darker down there than a Scandi noir has ever managed to be. If only anyone had listened to my pitch for an English-Welsh drama that begins with a dead sheep on the Severn Bridge, The Tunnel might not have existed. The original revolved around the outlandish idea that a corpse had been found on the marvellous Øresund (or Öresund) bridge, straddling two countries and two police jurisdictions.Įnter the odd couple Saga Norén (played by Sofia Helin), a gifted but emotionally distant and socially awkward Malmö detective, and her Copenhagen-based counterpart Martin Rohde (Kim Bodnia), a cheery serial philanderer, who have to work together to solve the mystery. This British-French crime drama was adapted from the 2011 Danish-Swedish series The Bridge (Broen/Bron). The Tunnel (left) and Broen/Bron (The Bridge).

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